Oslo, 22nd July 2022 - AutoSock does not meet snow chain requirements in Austria. Upon request from AutoSock 1.5 years ago, the Austrian Ministry of Climate Action and Energy replied on 15th July 2022, AutoSock for passenger cars is an accepted traction device, but must not be used in case snow chains are mandatory.
The request from AutoSock had become necessary because Austria did not adapt its road rules to the new EN16662-1:2020 but kept the reference to the withdrawn and obsolete national standard. This created a legal gap for Austria that must finally be closed in order to ensure legal certainty for AutoSock and its customers.
"AutoSock does not accept the decision of the Austrian ministry and we will do everything possible to ensure that AutoSock for passenger cars can be used in the near future whenever snow chains are mandatory in Austria”, says Odd Christian Krohn, CEO of AutoSock Operations AS, when asked about the decision of the Austrian ministry.
Nevertheless, AutoSock for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles below 3,5 t gross weight can be used whenever snow chains are mandatory in any other country of the EU (except Austria). In Switzerland, AutoSock for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles was separately approved on national level in 2020 and is a legal alternative to snow chains.

Graphic 1: EN16662-1 Implementation map for Europe as of 15th July 2022
Graphic 2: EN16662-1: Implementation map for the Alps region as of 15th July 2022
About AutoSock
AutoSock Operations AS manufactures and distributes AutoSock textile traction devices. Since its invention by Norwegian tire expert Bård Løtveit in 1996, AutoSock has invested in more than 20 years of continuous research and development. In cooperation with German car manufacturers and certification services, the product was finally launched on the European market in 2000. AutoSock is mounted like a “sock” over the tires of passenger cars, vans, trucks, buses and forklifts and delivers significantly increased traction on snowy and icy roads. AutoSock is one of the safest, best performing and most reliable traction devices on the market and is sold through a worldwide distribution network in more than 60 countries.
For more information, please visit: autosock.com

Copyright © 2022 AutoSock Operations AS.
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