New Product Pictures available

Production of new AutoSock product pictures (behind the scenes)

AutoSock starts the new winter season 2023-2024 with new professionally produced product images. The new product pictures give all customers an even better view of the product details.

The production of the images specifically focuses on the views of front and back of the wheel on which AutoSock is mounted. The rear view of the wheel shows in particular how far the elastic band of the textile snow chain is pulled behind the tire.

Behind th scenes of the production of new AutoSock product images

The new product images can now be seen in all official AutoSock online shops. We also include a small selection in this blog article.

Front view of an AutoSock tire sock being mounted on wheel showing road contact fabric, straps and front fabric

Side view of an AutoSock textile tire chain product showing road contact fabric, straps and front fabric

Back side of an AutoSock textile snow chain product showing road contact fabric, elastic and inner fabric incl. inner rim surface

AutoSock Product Pictures Update 2023 showing two wheels with a pair of AutoSock mounted in front of white background