EN16662-1 - What lasts long will be good
The consolidation with the result of a new European standard put together the expertise and interests of the delegates from 27 nations, the manufacturers for SGD and the accredited testing and certification bodies. The new standard should solve weaknesses in criteria for safety and long outdated interpretations of suitable materials and design of previous standards and additionally opens to the technical progress of the last 25 years.After 10 years with 26 meetings between 2010 and 2020, the responsible European Committee for Standardization CEN / TC301 / WG7 finally reached an agreement in its 27th meeting on September 17th/18th, 2019 in Paris. Among other things the main result were the newly developed criteria of minimum requirements for safety, performance, quality, test procedure and labeling. The result was poured into an EN 16662-1prN (prN: provisional norm), which was passed on to the 27 national standard committees for check and voting. The result was positive, and the paper was accepted.
CEN changed the provisional into a final version and released it as the new standard EN ISO 16662-1:2020 combined with the requirement that this new standard must be applied in full in all 27 member states of the European Union. Any other national standards that conflicted with the new standard are up to be withdrawn until November 30th, 2020.
AutoSock has engaged actively for 10 years to reach the goal of a new European standard and worked together with CEN to define the minimum requirements and standards. AutoSock for passenger cars has been the first SGD successfully tested and certified by this new standard.

++++ NEWS UPDATE: Austrian Ministry denies acceptance of AutoSock. AutoSock does not meet snow chain requirements in Austria. AutoSock does not accept the decision. Read more about the latest news here! ++++
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