The Italian Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility (MIMS) gives green light for the usage of snow socks as an alternative to snow chains with immediate effect. The ministerial decree will be updated earliest in January 2023 and replaces the previous decree from 2011.
Notwithstanding, the General Director of the Civil Motorization, Pasquale D'Anzi, declared that the MIMS has already prepared a draft ministerial decree that recognizes the UNI EN16662-1: 2020 as the reference standard for the certification of supplementary grip devices. Therefore, AutoSock obtains homologation to the new standard already now.
In short: From November 15th, 2022, and when obligations for winter equipment are in place for driving on Italian roads, AutoSock can be legally used instead of metallic snow chains without risking any fine.
Media references in Italian language / Riferimenti media in lingua italiana:
Read here the news article from Quattroruote in Italian language. /
Leggi qui l'articolo di Quattroruote in lingua italiana.
Read here the news article from Sicurauto in Italian language. /
Leggi qui l'articolo di Sicurauto in lingua italiana.
Read also our news article "AutoSock in Italy: Legislation Update as of 2022" that gives more information about the legal gap in Italy back then.

Read also our news article "Challenge accepted: Austrian Ministry denies Acceptance of AutoSock", "The AutoSock Regulations Update for the new Winter Season 2022-2023" and "The Story behind European Standard EN16662-1:2020".